Saturday, May 8, 2010

Beautiful Masai Mara

The Mara cannot be better than it is at the moment. with very low tourist occupancies in the lodges, the park has regained its wilderness concept again. You can go on game drive and enjoy a sighitng all to yourself for hours. though most people thinkt ehere is little to see at the moment, on contrary there is plenyt of game though concentrated only certain areas in the park.
the rains have just stopped though we gte occassional drizzles. the grass has grown very tall on most plains in the park. In the past couple of weeks, i have had interetsing sightings an di am posting here some of the pictures i took on game drives

This lion with his brother fought with 17 Hyaenas over a buffalo carcass for 2 hours. The lions lost the fight

This herd of Elephants made my morning one day last week when they came streaming down to the Mara river to drink and then went to a nearby swamp to wallow. It was really great. It was nice wathcing one male elephant chase a buffalo out of a mud hole.

I witneesed these two male buffaloes fight the whole afternoon, and got their horns locked such that they could not free themselves. i left them at 7pm an dcame to the same location at 6.30am the next day and found them still going for each other. they managed to free them selves after one of them broke his horns

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